Modern Whigs value reason above all. For us, the question of whether global warming and the associated changes to our climate is happening, and whether human activity is the primary cause of it, is completely non-political. The best available science indicates unequivocally the use of fossil fuels is gradually driving the average global temperature higher, and as the temperature rises most of the effects will be detrimental to our way of life.

There are two immense challenges in dealing with global warming. The first is our civilization's dependence on fossil fuels as our primary source of energy. The second is the global nature of the problem -- both in terms of the entire planet's changing climate, and the fact any one country's initiatives to reduce emissions will mean little if other nations are increasing theirs. International cooperation is absolutely necessary if we're to avoid what is certain to become a very dangerous situation, eventually.

Ignoring the problem (or denying it exists) is a recipe for ultimate disaster. Focusing solely on cutting emissions will only buy time, and at tremendous cost to the world's economy and the standard of living of people around the globe. A comprehensive, holistic approach to shifting from carbon to sustainable and renewable energy sources is the only logical way forward.


  • The necessity of rebuilding our infrastructure also presents an opportunity. As we upgrade our transportation, communication and energy systems to a modern, 21st Century standard we can tackle climate change at the same time by simultaneously moving away from our dependence on fossil fuels. And in the process we can develop innovative ways to create and distribute energy -- and share them with, or sell them to, the world.

  • The best way forward is to create more energy, not less, and to do it in a sustainable way. The Breakthrough Institute's advocacy for a "high-energy planet" falls squarely within the traditional Whig emphasis on development, industrialization and economic progress. It's built into our DNA.

  • If we are to tackle the challenge of climate change we must tackle the challenge of creating a rising world at the same time. Greater wealth, more energy and a cleaner environment are attainable if we put in the effort -- but it's going to take a global consortium of public and private interests to do what must be done. America, as the leader of the world, should show the way.


The Modern Whig Institute is a 501(c)(3) civic research and education foundation dedicated to the fundamental American principles of representative government, ordered liberty, capitalism, due process and the rule of law.


