On Becoming a Whig
"Society is unity in diversity." (George Herbert Mead)
The Modern Whig Institute is somewhat unique in the world of public thought foundations. While we, like all policy-focused organizations, rely on expertise in doing our work, we also believe in providing a platform for the ideas of ordinary citizens and giving them a voice in what we call the Great American Conversation: our ongoing process of national creation, innovation and renewal.
Our goal, as a community, is to bridge the gap between expertise and common sense. Our mission, as The Institute, is to eliminate the gulf between principle and pragmatism. Our purpose, as individuals, is first and foremost to serve as citizen participants in the governance of our Republic.
You most likely came here looking for an opportunity to be more than a spectator in our civic life, or at least to support the work of an organization whose fundamental values you share. We give our fellow Americans a chance to do either, or both. We have created a flexible system in our Roundtables to do everything from sharing thoughts and ideas to organizing interested citizens around a subject, issue, geographic area or profession. And by contributing to our Members Blog, you can add your voice, either through our website or one of our other content channels, to the wider Great American Conversation.
But your financial contribution does even more. Over time, the funding our members and donors provide will enable us to enact our long-term strategic plan. Aside from helping to maintain the National Gazette, the flagship publication of our own media operation, your support will make possible one of our key initiatives and a long-held Whig ambition: the development of a Whig Academy to provide structured leadership training in ethical public service to prospective public servants.
We also provide a Member Directory so you can network with other members of the Institute on a more personal and casual level, if you so choose, and perhaps develop initiatives of your own. Our wider movement is about individuals coming together in common cause to achieve great things; we have absolute faith in the value of thinking creatively while relying on the wisdom of the ages. But we also believe in friendship, comity — and having a little fun.
Finally, we have kept membership affordable in order to make it accessible to virtually everyone. We want The Institute to be the focal point of a community of ordinary citizens, of all backgrounds, as much as a home to expertise. Join us today.
“Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages.”
― George Washington
We hope you will join us today.
For information, please click on the Join button above or at the bottom of this page.
Home of the Great American Conversation
The Roundtables are the Modern Whig Institute’s platform for the discussion of ideas, whether in a formal or casual context. All members are automatically eligible to participate.
The Directory is provided as a service to the membership so they can connect on their own with other members of the Institute.